I'm going to talk about the few revealing body language of hand
Palms down
During a speech, we always see the speakers palms down their hand. It is one of the most common hand gestures. We might have some different understanding for the meaning of this hand gestures. When a person does this, it's mean they won't change their mind and they are giving a change for you to approach.It's also mean emphatic disagreement.
Hand in back
This means they are showing their confidence to other people. However, this hand gestures will make other's feel unnatural.
Hand on heart
This means the speaker is desire to be true and be believed. However, this hand gestures is not totally mean honesty. They are just want someone to believed them.
Finger Pointing.
During a debate, we will always see the speakers are pointing their finger when they are speaking . This means that they are challenging each others. It can also convinces people of your confidence and authority.
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